So I guess it's safe to say that going overseas for an article isn't really worth it. From what I learned, you don't get much of a bonus and basically it could be looked at by your boss as a "paid vacation." F-ck that. I would never go to Iraq or Israel or any place dangerous (or in the Middle East) just to get the "inside scoop." I don't think a job is worth your life. Especially a job that doesn't pay you six figures.
As I was watching this I almost couldn't believe my eyes. SO many people have been killed for stupid reasons. One guy, for instance, was killed because he peeked his head out to see what was going on.
Other instances even evoked fear. I was actually scared for some guys when they were being threatened because of their articles. If I was ever threatened because of something I wrote I would totally leave the country and stop writing. A life isn't worth any amount of words unless you want to be a martyr, which I have no plans on being.
I guess we can conclude that curiosity killed the cat-- or the reporter in this case.
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